Previous – Autopilot Lab Part 3 – Create Autopilot Deployment Profile
1. Run Powershell as Administrator
2. Type the following to capture the VM Hardware ID:
md c:\HWID
Set-Location c:\HWID
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo
Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 -OutputFile AutopilotHWID.csv
3. The VM hardware ID will be generated in a CSV file on the following location.
4. Open a browser on the VM and go to the businessstore. In the Businessstore go to “Manage -> Devices”
5. Select “Add Devices”
6. Select the CSV file (“c:\HWID\AutopilotHWID.csv” ) and press Open.
7. Select “No, Thanks” or enter a name for a new deployment group.
8. It will take some time to add the new VM. You need to refresh the page manually to update the devices listed.
9. Select the added VM and apply the created Autopilot Deployment Profile.
10. Wait until you see the green bar “We updated the profile on your device(s)” before you continue.
Now you need to reset the added VM to test the Autopilot deployment.
11. Go to “Settings -> Update & Security”
12. Go to “Recovery -> Get Started”
13. Select “Remove Everything”
14. Be carefull and select “Just remove my files”
15. Check the settings and press “Reset” to continue.
16. Wait untill the computer has rebooted