Setup Server 2019 Enterprise CA 2/5: Offline Root CA

Previous: Overview

Updated 06-08-2020: Fixed typo CAPolicy.inf and removed incorrect screenshot.

The Setup will start with the Offline Root CA server. This server will only be used to authorize the Subordinate Server and after that it will be turned off and only turned on to create and renew  Subordinate CA Certificates. The offline CA Server is the OFFENT-CA01 and is a non-domainjoined server.


Setup Offline Root CA

First we will create the CApolicy.inf. This is a configuration file that defines multiple settings that are applied to the root CA certificate and all other certificates issued by the root CA. This file needs to be created before the ADCS is installed on the root CA. For more information about the Syntax go here.

1. Start powershell and type the following line and press “enter”:

notepad c:\windows\capolicy.inf


2. Select “yes” to create the new file


3.  Because this is a lab setup I will only setup some basic settings for the Root CA. I will configure the following settings:

  • Renewalinformation for the CA certificate.
  • The validity period for the base CRL.
  • Disable the AlternateSignatureAlgorithm (more info on why can be found here).
  • Disable the DefaultTemplates, these are not used because this is an offline CA.

For this lab I will use a random generated OID which is based on the Microsoft OID. Because these generated OID may not be unique you should request a private enterprise number at IANA (link). This number can be added to the CAPolicy.inf.

Signature="$Windows NT$"


4. Save the file as “capolicy.inf” using “All files” and “ANSI” Encoding.


5. Now we the role can be added and configured. Start the Server manager and select “Add roles and features”


6. The “Add Roles and Features Wizard” will start, press “Next” to continue.


7. Select “Role-based or feature-based installation” and press “Next”


8. Use the default settings and press “Next” to continue.


9. Select “Active Directory Certificate Services”


10. A pop-up will appear, press “Add Features” to continue.


11. Press “Next” to continue


12. Press “Next” to continue.


13. Check if the Servername is correct and press “Next” to continue.


14. Use the default settings, for the Root CA only the “Certification Authority” role is needed.


15. Press “install” to add the Active Directory Certificate Services to the server.


16. When the installation has completed, press the link “Configure Active Directory Certificate Services on the destination server”


17. Use the default settings and press “Next”


18. Select “Certification Authority” and press “Next”


19. Because this server is non-domain joined only Standalone CA can be selected. Press “Next” to continue.


20. As this server is the root of the PKI hierarchy select “Root CA” and press “Next”


21. Select “Create a new private key” and press “Next” to continue.


22. Because this is the Root CA Certificate I use a longer Key length of 4096. This will increase the security.


23. Use the default settings and press “Next” to continue.


24. Because this server will be used in a Test Environment I extend the validity period to 10 years. Press “Next” to continue.


25. Use the default settings and press “Next” to continue.


26. Press “Configure” to configure the server.


27. Press “Close” to continue.


28. Press “Tools” in the Server Manager and select “Certification Authority”


29. Right click the Servername and select “Properties”


30. Select the “Extensions” tab


31. In the “Extensions tab” select the extension “CRL Distribution Point (CDP) and remove all locations except the “C:\*” Location.


32. Because this server will be offline it cannot be contacted, therefore a location needs to be added to the subordinate server. Press “Add” to add the CDP on the Subordinate Server.



33. Enter the following location and press “OK”


Replace <serverDNSName> with the dnsname of the Subordinateserver in this demo the location will be:<CaName><CRLNameSuffix><DeltaCRLAllowed>.crl


24. Check the boxes beginning with “Include in CRLs*” and “Include in the CDP*” and press “Apply”


35. Press “No” when asked to restart the service.


36. Select in “Select extension” the “Authority Information Access (AIA)” and remove all locations except the “C:\*” Location.


37. Press “Add” to add the AIA location on the Subordinate Server.


38. Enter the following location and press “OK” 


Replace <serverDNSName> with the dnsname of the Subordinateserver in this demo the location will be:<ServerDNSName>_<CaName><CertificateName>.crt


39. Check the box “Include in the AIA extension of issued certificates” and press “Apply”


40. Press “Yes” when asked to restart the service.


41. Select the “General” and select the Root Certificate and press “View Certificate”.


42. Select the tab “Details” and press “Copy to File…”.


43. In the Certificate Export Wizard press “Next”.


44.  Select “DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER)” and press “Next”.


45. In File name enter “C:\Windows\System32\CertSrv\CertEnroll\<CA-NAME>-CA.cer” and press “Next”.


46. Press “Finish” to export the RootCA Certificate.


47. A popup will appear when the export was successful, press “OK” to continue.


The setup of the Offline RootCA is now completed.

Next: Subordinate CA Server


10 thoughts on “Setup Server 2019 Enterprise CA 2/5: Offline Root CA

  1. Pavan Ayyagari

    Hello there,
    Thank you for the blog series.
    Just want to check where did you add the randomly generated OID number? Cannot find any on the screenshot. Also is the OID number will be the issuer for lab purpose by IANS?
    Thank you

    1. Aad Lutgert Post author

      Hi Pavan,

      If you want to use a randomly generated OID you don’t have to do anything. Only if you want to use a registered OID you need to add it to the “capolicy.inf”. For lab purpose it’s not needed to use a registered OID number.

      regards, Aad

  2. KS

    Hi, very details guide on the setup, will definitely try to follow and setup one.
    But I have a few questions:
    1. Since this is an offline root CA, what is the purpose to add the CRL and AIA location? Does it means I shall bring the “offline” CA up, connect to network and publish the CRL periodically?
    2. Will there be any security concern for CRL to be distributed via http?
    3. Can I publish the CRL like I sign the cert of subordinate CA? e.g. to copy the CRL from root CA into USB then transfer to subordinate CA? And If so, do I still need to configure the CRL & AIA location?
    4. If I’m setting up the PKI for small company, all internal cert will be issued by 1 CA, is the 2 tier structure still recommended? As I understand without the 2 tier I will probably need to reconfigure the whole root CA server from scratch and re-install cert in all client. And with it I just need to need to revoke the subordinate CA cert, resign newly generated subordinate CA cert, and save me time from reinstallation root cert on every client PC. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
    5. However, I also read that some browsers don’t even check for CRL. So in case of compromise of subordinate CA, I might need to setup all components again to be safe, then what is the point to have 2 tier hierarchy?

    Thank you.

  3. Marco van Brenk


    Why do you need the INF file?
    I have setup a CA and SubCA without that and it seems to work fine
    I have followed a Windows 2016 CA training and they don’t talk about the .inf file

    thanks for your reply

    1. Aad Lutgert Post author

      Hi Marco,

      The INF file can be compared with a setupconfig file for Windows 10. It makes it possible to specify and configure a wide variety of CA attributes and options during the creation of root and subordinate CA certificates. Check this link for more information. You can also use the capolicy.inf to configure a public OID.

      best regards,

      1. Marco

        Thanks Aad
        I thought that this was used more in Win2016 and older
        During the CA config wizard you can specify the key and validity as well so what is the different?
        If you use it as a local enterprise CA the OID is less important right?

        I’m a bit new to windows server so I found this tutorial very useful



  4. Chaitanya Mahajan

    Thanks for putting this together. I found it very helpful. It would be nice in STEP 32 if you put RED highlight think need to be done on Subordinate server but screenshot show name on root server so it’s confusing where these steps are being performed for both CRL and AIA. Thanks.

  5. Begad


    I installed ROOT and SUB CA servers according to the directives here. But I have one question. Although I set the duration as 10 years in the root CA, the SUB CA appears to be 1 year. Where could I have gone wrong?

    Thanks for your answer.


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