In this blog I will explain how to enroll an Android Enterprise in Intune using a token or QR code. Before you can test your Corporate-owned enrollment profile like dedicated, fully managed, or corporate-owned with work profile devices you need to enroll your Android Enterprise device (at least Android 6 or later). There are multiple ways to do this, but in this blog I will show how to use a token or QR code to perform this action.
1. The first step is to obtain the QR code or Token. This can be found in the Enrollment profile for Android in Intune. Go to “Devices” -> “Android”-> “Android Enrollment” or click here and select the profile you want to test.
2. The token for the fully managed device is displayed immediatly after selecting the profile. To view the token for the dedicated and corporate with work profile you first need to select the profile you want to use. This is an example of a dedicated device
3. To enroll your Android Test Device you first need to perform a Factory reset. After the reset start the device. On the Sign in page enter the code below instead of your google account and press “Next”.
4. The following page will appear, press “Accept & continue” -> “Next” and accept the “Google service terms”.
5. On the Enrol this device press “Next”.
6. Press “Allow” to use the camera to scan the QR Code or press “Enter code”.
7. Depending on the enrollment type the configuration will start (dedicated device) or you will need to login to start the enrollment (fully managed / corp-owned with work profile).
Thanks for this!
Do you know if the process has changed with the latest handsets? We’ve been able until our last change of handsets (were Samsung A20e to A12’s) to get to the QR Code reader by tapping 6 times after a factory reset. I’m going to see if this works tomorrow as the 6 tap method no longer works as far as I’m told.
Thanks again!
Hi Dafydd,
I am not sure what enrollment profile you are using, but as far as I know the process has only changed for COPE (Corporate owned with Workprofile) on Android 11 devices. On the Microsoft site you can find the following:
“For corporate-owned work profile (COPE) devices, the afw#setup enrollment method is only supported on devices running Android 8-10. It’s not available on Android 11. For further details, refer to the Google developer docs here.”
In the developer docs I found the same note:
“DPC identifier method only supports full device management provisioning and cannot be used for corporate-owned, personally enabled (COPE) provisioning on Android 11 devices.”
Found that tapping top right quadrant no longer works but bottom right or middle right works…strange?
Also forgot to mention that the “Select Language” comes up first before QR camera