In this blog I will describe how to add and configure Teamviewer on Zebra with Intune. For a customer I had to add teamviewer to a dedicated Android profile with Multi app kiosk. While adding I ran into several challenges. In this blog I describe these problems and how to solve it.
Updated: 25-01-2022: corrected errors in step 6 and 10 incorrect signature and permission info.
I used a Dedicated Android profile with a Managed Home Screen configured in Multi-app Kiosk mode. On the Managed Home Screen I published Teamviewer QS. In addition, the Zebra OEMConfig application was assigned to make use of Zebra’s OEMConfig capabilities. To configure Teamviewer you need to perform the following steps:
Display over other apps
To prevent users from having to configure permissions, I add an App configuration policy for the default permissions. Unfortunately, it is not possible to configure the “Display over other apps” permission with this. To configure this permission you need to use an OEMConfig profile. You can do this in the following way.
1. Create a new Configuration profile for Android. Select “Android Enterprise” and “Oemconfig”.
2. Enter a Name (1) and select the OEMConfig app “Zebra OEMConfig powered by MX” (2). Press “Next” (3) to continue.
3. Now you need to configure the OEMConfig settings by pressing “Configure”
4. Press on the Three dots (…) behind “Transaction Steps” and select “Add setting”.
5. In the list of configuration settings, search for “Permission Access Configuration” and press “Configure”.
6. Enter the following values to grant the overlay permission. The setting will actually grant permission for any “System Alert Window” requested by the Teamviewer QuickSupport app. The signature is the package signature.
Permission Access Action | Grant |
Grant Permission | System Alert Window |
Grant Application Package | |
Grant Application Signature | MIIDmjCCAoKgAwIBAgIETMAbjTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBjTELMAkGA1UEBhMCR EUxGzAZBgNVBAgTEkJhZGVuIFd1ZXJ0dGVtYmVyZzETMBEGA1UEBxMKR29lcHBpbm dlbjEYMBYGA1UEChMPVGVhbVZpZXdlciBHbWJIMRgwFgYDVQQLEw9UZWFtVmlld2V yIEdtYkgxGDAWBgNVBAMTD1RlYW1WaWV3ZXIgR21iSDAgFw0xMDEwMjExMDUzMDFa GA8yMDUxMTExNTEwNTMwMVowgY0xCzAJBgNVBAYTAkRFMRswGQYDVQQIExJCYWRlb iBXdWVydHRlbWJlcmcxEzARBgNVBAcTCkdvZXBwaW5nZW4xGDAWBgNVBAoTD1RlYW 1WaWV3ZXIgR21iSDEYMBYGA1UECxMPVGVhbVZpZXdlciBHbWJIMRgwFgYDVQQDEw9 UZWFtVmlld2VyIEdtYkgwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDW iS0FVkYhfPqp4exJUvuRmxJ1c+ofWVP7G8WUlw4FAg/81B1tGkUi11ezsJXwqkeH9 v3bJRBTq1ibt/HWNXU25ubwQCX9w9ukD/VH4f1zi5vaeFy4u+xbUf59wDPrTQuOL8 P5omE9p4INTI434Y8qEGU9152EOflQcLCkgqP8+NrpxKK4BUL864tC/QeO5TIj1fq JYrrUDkZCkmdI7xLnU72lX3wtOdntTNU55JAp7S8MOfCSWqWURyMtXZjvXH1Pcz0/ Z9nrVqxy0H5V4olaLhtt6jN/iV75Zau0IDPzpkqtd6vJ9VfWkU5S7tm2DTuMn2byL h3nbqsM9iAlJZ91AgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBAJVK2jvHKBAYnqY64U 2isMjj45Ksh5cDc52z7paSVjvXFgs1HGk6JamrfroxP0dp5adB5BtWmq+ogdpSeGQ cIDz3Y0dlYa7lCfswMgrUXzvzJJ6eujSC8WGgRWxTheW5TBB8kl1xPemypKNWYUSo pAEFlftW2L4fQfcNBwM+sX2QJpRohSxWhdI2Qv0OQ1fawNoL2ImDYpUeHAsUtb8VL ewF+PSFGCGRR28LjItzoOK7AfbMpDE1VDnM8V+b8uoK4TbC3Q4EDBs6gdII68gaQP zg9wRMawhwNAPpugnZsacEKTks32VwM01ECZk/taKx8hyADZvg5DWHQoSjVNhm1S8= |
7. Leave the screen as it is now, and we’ll move on to the next step.
Allow control of the Screen
By default, you have no rights to control applications via Remote Control with Teamviewer QS. It is only possible to point to something. To ensure that you can actually take over the device, you must configure the Zebra Event Injection Service. You do that in the way shown below.
8. Continue in the screen at step 6 and select “Transaction Step”.
9. In the overview, search for “Service Access Configuration” press “Configure”.
10. Enter the following values to allow the Teamviewer QuickSupport to bind with the Zebra Event Injection Service. See this Teamviewer article for more details.
Service Binding Action | Allow |
Allow Service Identifier | com.zebra.eventinjectionservice |
Service Caller Action | Allow |
Allow Service Identifier | com.zebra.eventinjectionservice |
Allow Caller Package | |
Allow Caller Signature | MIIDmjCCAoKgAwIBAgIETMAbjTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBjTELMAkGA1UEBhMCR EUxGzAZBgNVBAgTEkJhZGVuIFd1ZXJ0dGVtYmVyZzETMBEGA1UEBxMKR29lcHBpbm dlbjEYMBYGA1UEChMPVGVhbVZpZXdlciBHbWJIMRgwFgYDVQQLEw9UZWFtVmlld2V yIEdtYkgxGDAWBgNVBAMTD1RlYW1WaWV3ZXIgR21iSDAgFw0xMDEwMjExMDUzMDFa GA8yMDUxMTExNTEwNTMwMVowgY0xCzAJBgNVBAYTAkRFMRswGQYDVQQIExJCYWRlb iBXdWVydHRlbWJlcmcxEzARBgNVBAcTCkdvZXBwaW5nZW4xGDAWBgNVBAoTD1RlYW 1WaWV3ZXIgR21iSDEYMBYGA1UECxMPVGVhbVZpZXdlciBHbWJIMRgwFgYDVQQDEw9 UZWFtVmlld2VyIEdtYkgwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDW iS0FVkYhfPqp4exJUvuRmxJ1c+ofWVP7G8WUlw4FAg/81B1tGkUi11ezsJXwqkeH9 v3bJRBTq1ibt/HWNXU25ubwQCX9w9ukD/VH4f1zi5vaeFy4u+xbUf59wDPrTQuOL8 P5omE9p4INTI434Y8qEGU9152EOflQcLCkgqP8+NrpxKK4BUL864tC/QeO5TIj1fq JYrrUDkZCkmdI7xLnU72lX3wtOdntTNU55JAp7S8MOfCSWqWURyMtXZjvXH1Pcz0/ Z9nrVqxy0H5V4olaLhtt6jN/iV75Zau0IDPzpkqtd6vJ9VfWkU5S7tm2DTuMn2byL h3nbqsM9iAlJZ91AgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBAJVK2jvHKBAYnqY64U 2isMjj45Ksh5cDc52z7paSVjvXFgs1HGk6JamrfroxP0dp5adB5BtWmq+ogdpSeGQ cIDz3Y0dlYa7lCfswMgrUXzvzJJ6eujSC8WGgRWxTheW5TBB8kl1xPemypKNWYUSo pAEFlftW2L4fQfcNBwM+sX2QJpRohSxWhdI2Qv0OQ1fawNoL2ImDYpUeHAsUtb8VL ewF+PSFGCGRR28LjItzoOK7AfbMpDE1VDnM8V+b8uoK4TbC3Q4EDBs6gdII68gaQP zg9wRMawhwNAPpugnZsacEKTks32VwM01ECZk/taKx8hyADZvg5DWHQoSjVNhm1S8= |
11. Press “Next” to assign the configuration profile to the correct scope and group(s). Press “Create” to finish creation.
Error Testing Teamviewer
While testing the configuration, something still went wrong with Teamviewer. The first thing I noticed was that I was still being asked to assign permissions for the “display over other apps” permission.
In addition, I got the message “Your partner rejected your request” when using Teamviewer Remote control.
These problems were caused by the version of Zebra Lifeguard. After I upgraded the device to Zebra Lifeguard 106 and a factory reset, the problem was resolved. The permission message was no longer displayed and I was able to use Teamviewer Remote Control.
Hey Man,
you made my day!
I was looking for a solution for another issue and ran into this.
I tried it, and now i am so happy to could remote control our Zebra devices…
Great Work!
Best regards
Glad to hear! Thanks for your reply. best regards, Aad
thank you for the article