In this guide, we will explore two methods to download Microsoft Store Apps. Previously, you could use Microsoft Store for Business and Education to download applications, but this is no longer possible due to its retirement. Fortunately, starting with version 1.8 of the Windows Package Manager (WinGet), this functionality has been added. However, in some cases, the Microsoft Store app doesn’t support downloads using WinGet. In these instances, you can utilize a PowerShell script created by Mattias Cedervall. (
Depending on the packaged apps offered, you can download the apps as either packaged or unpackaged apps. Packaged apps include UWP apps in the AppX format and apps in the MSIX format. Unpackaged apps include all Win32 apps in alternate formats such as MSI or EXE.
Download Microsoft Store Apps using Winget
Good to know before you start downloading with Winget:
- The download command of the winget tool downloads the installer, dependencies, and license file (when downloading a Microsoft Store Packaged app). Use the search command and the show command to identify the package installer you want to download.
- The download command requires that you specify the exact string to download. If there is any ambiguity, you will be prompted to further filter the download command to an exact application.
- The download command requires EntraID (formally Azure Active Directory) authentication to download a Microsoft Store packaged app (*.msix, *.appx, *.msixbundle, or *.appxbundle) and to download the Microsoft Store packaged app license file. The EntraID account used for authentication to generate and retrieve a Microsoft Store packaged app license file must be a member of one of the following three Azure roles: Global Administrator, User Administrator, or License Administrator.
1. Open powershell and enter “winget search <softwarename>“. In this example I’m looking for Microsoft Remote desktop in the Microsoft Store.
2. Enter “winget download –id <software id>” to download the software. Press “Y” to accept the agreement before downloading.
3. The package(s) will start to download to the default download location “c:\users\<username>\downloads\<software id>\”
4. After the download finishes you can find the software, dependencies, license, etc in the folder “c:\users\<username>\downloads\<software id>\” or the custom folder you’ve entered.
Utilize the powershell script
However, in some cases it’s not supported to download Microsoft Store Apps using WinGet. Fore example when you try to download Whatsapp
1. When you try to download Whatsapp with Winget you will notice an error “The Microsoft Store package does not support download.”. Fortunately this can be solved using the Powershell script created by Mattias Cedervall.
2. Download the script using this link: Scripts/OSD/GetStoreURL.ps1 at master · MattiasC85/Scripts · GitHub
3. After the download use “Unblock-File getstoreurl.ps1” to unblock the script in powershell.
4. Enter: “Import-module .\getstoreurl.ps1”
5. Open store and look for an application (1). Select the application (2) to open the product page.
6. On the product page press the share button (1) and Copy link (2).
7. The link contains a productnumber which you need to download the package. Copy the productnumber (red).
8. To download the packages enter:
Get-StoreURLS -ProductNumber 9nksqgp7f2nh -architecture x64 -DoDownload
9. It will download the contents and show the folder in Temp in this case the MSIXbundle